Car Sales Management System in PHP

Car Sales Management System in PHP


With the intention of upgrading the current manual system to a web-based system, the work reported in this project has been proposed to aid effective and efficient management of vehicle sales. The proposed system is for Sansani Motors (Our real case study). The new system manages and keeps track of stock and sales of vehicles for effective customer service delivery and profit maximization. The current management of vehicle stock and sales at the company is handled manually. The business process relies heavily on paper- work for manual information processing. There is no well-organized system to manage stock levels and sales. The current manual system was therefore found not suitable for continuous usage as it does not meet the current needs of the fast-growing company. The initiative to create a new system that is web-based will help the company to boost customer service delivery and profit. Business information can be stored and managed efficiently and in a more organized manner. The new system was developed following the Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) which structures a project into small, well- defined activities and specifies the sequence and interaction of these activities. This method enables the user of the system and the developer to better comprehend the problem and the proposed solution. This new system, if deployed, will enable Sansani Motors to better manage its business operations.