E Bus Pass Management System in PHP

E Bus Pass Management System in PHP


The project will be used by the students to apply for bus pass and also to get the bus pass renewal in online .If we consider the current system then the students has to wait for long time standing in queue to apply for bus pass near the counters. Even if they want to get their bus pass get renewal then they have follow the same procedure of waiting for long hours near the counters. The current procedure is a time consuming procedure. The current system leads to the inconvenience and dissatisfactory of the users. People have to travel to the nearby and respective Bus Stops and to apply for bus pass and also for the bus pass renewal. It requires a lot of man power. Hence to overcome the above problems a system is being developed. This system reduced the time in issue/renew of bus-pass considerably, thus leading to convenience & satisfaction to the commuters. It has reduced the time taken to issue/renew bus-passes from 25 – 30 minutes to 3 – 5 minutes. Now, there are almost no queues on bus-pass issue centers.