Exam Schedule Management System in PHP

Exam Schedule Management System in PHP


With the development of social information technology, the examination mode under traditional educational system cannot suit current educational requirement. As an important side of modern teaching, computer-aided examination can reduce all kinds of subjective factors during every link to arrange examination more objective, faster and safer. This paper adopts B/S structure and designs a set of computer network examination system which mainly consists of creation of question module, examination module and management module. This system is achieved by paradigm abstract method based on role permissions control. This system increases examination system's security and improves system's performance with friendly interface, easy operation, practicability, flexibility and stability. Scheduling problem is defined in many areas and it's hard to solve, because it includes many constraints that should be solved. Final exam scheduling is one type of Scheduling problem, and it's hard to be solved because each university may include hard and soft constraints that are different for each case.