Faculty Management System in PHP

Faculty Management System in PHP


The paper is about to introduce the environment for faculties to handle their work and maintain record easily instead of making a lot of paper work. This can be achieved by PHP application. There are many other ways of handling this problem but not that much easy as the PHP application. PHP application provides the platform for the faculties to overcome such issues and complex work. This PHP application is platform independent workspace for faculties so that they can access or use it with ease form no location dependency. It supports all types of platforms like PHP, iOS, windows etc. Providing a PHP application is again a huge achievement so that faculties can take a view to their work while they are on move. Effective and efficient way of managing all the stuff can be done easily. Faculties can easily interact with the students directly so that each time there is no need to inform each student. Better secure transfer of the all information provided using latest technologies. Updating, Inserting, and all the operations can be done easily and efficiently. This application will be most useful in future so that reducing paper work will affect the time as well as the environment.