Food Ordering Management System in PHP

Food Ordering Management System in PHP


Net food is an order management software for food delivery companies. It is a delivery-oriented system that allows clients to order from multiple restaurants at the same time, and provides the possibility to order individually or in a group. Orders can be placed by users through the web interface. The data related to restaurants, foods and orders is managed by administrators. A PHP application is used by the delivery personnel. Both client applications are served with data by a central server. The article presents the architecture and the implementation of the software system. The technologies, tools and methods used during the development process are also described. Customers play a vital role in the contemporary food industry when determining the quality of the restaurant and its food. Restaurants give considerable attention to customers’ feedback about their service, since the reputation of the business depends on it. Key factors of evaluating customer satisfaction are, being able to deliver the services effectively to lessen the time of consumption, as well as maintaining a high quality of service. In most cases of selecting a prominent restaurant, customers focus on their choice of favorite food in addition to available seating and space options. Long waiting times and serving the wrong order is a common mistake that happens in every restaurant that eventually leads to customer dissatisfaction. Objectives of this online application “Foody” is to address these deficiencies and provide efficient and accurate services to the customer, by providing unique menus to each customer considering their taste. This concept is implemented as a PHP application using latest IT concepts such as Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Predictive Analysis and Artificial Intelligence.