Restaurant Management System in PHP

Restaurant Management System in PHP


The “RESTAURANT BILLING MANAGEMENT” is a basic program used in restaurants. The main aim is to perform basic function that a waiter and the owner of the restaurant can do. As the name of the project suggest, the project is about billing but it also covers the job of a waiter who takes the order, as the program will show the menu as well, which will make user to select an item to order and side by side the billing will be performed.  The advantage of the program is that there is no need to hire a person for the same only a system is required to execute it. The Customer can work on the program and select the items which he/she wants to order and accordingly can delete the items if required. It is user friendly as it works as a calculator, a user can simply add or delete some item if required and accordingly a new bill will be generated. In short, the program is easily executable and can be easily accessed by a user. It is a great software for the future generation as it saves time and decreases the work of the owner of the restaurant and the waiter too. It will also help the owners to handle their customers in a better and a comfortable way.