Temperature Montering System in PHP

Temperature Montering System in PHP


Health monitoring system has been an interesting topic recently among medical practitioners, engineers as well as IT professionals. However, the application of automatic temperature monitoring system where parents can monitor the temperature of their children is practically new in Malaysia and other countries. Babies are much more sensitive to high body temperature and any occurrence of fever has to be taken very seriously. Smart body temperature monitoring system for baby and infant is beneficial to the parents where such implementation will help parents to save their energy and time. The objective of this project is to design and develop smart body temperature measurement device that can be observed by the parents for monitoring children body temperature over the time especially Night time in case of abnormalities or having high fever. In the proposed method, body temperature wireless sensors is developed. The target of user of this device is children under age of five. This project develops a monitoring method which benefit parents and children by lessen anxiety of parents while ensure the children body temperature is under dangerous level. The prototype showed the temperature reading was successfully receive on the PHP application. The temperature measurements were validated with Rossmax TG100 with a difference of plus minus 0.5 degree celcius. The temperature sensors will send the readings to one device and triggered the system alarm when the body temperature is exceed the threshold. With this device, the temperature of the children can be monitored automatically over the night and alert to the parents once the reading is triggered.